Thanks Alan but a bit late as the whale has gone to the cannery in the sky!. The modern Airlander heavy lift was built at Cardington (old R101 hangers) but not heard anything new since 2017. Perhaps Shed should lend a hand . . ?
Thanks for that historical account Peter. Yes, if we had filled the whale with hydrogen or preferably helium it might have floated above the procession! I think modern airship/aeroplane ideas are being developed at Carrington for carrying freight or military.
Thanks Alan but a bit late as the whale has gone to the cannery in the sky!. The modern Airlander heavy lift was built at Cardington (old R101 hangers) but not heard anything new since 2017. Perhaps Shed should lend a hand . . ?
Tried to post a pic here but Wix wouldn't accept.
Thanks for that historical account Peter. Yes, if we had filled the whale with hydrogen or preferably helium it might have floated above the procession! I think modern airship/aeroplane ideas are being developed at Carrington for carrying freight or military.
My friend Steve just sent me a link to the the same blog. Seems like everyone is enjoying a little bit of London history at the moment.
A fascinating story. I could imagine us building a miniature version. Perhaps without the hydrogen. Maybe for the next lantern procession.